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Oven Roasted Sea Bass

Yields4 Servings

 4 sea bass fillets (Wellgoods) degutted and de-scaled
 1 cup olive oil
 1 cup dry white wine
 12 black olives
 12 cherry tomatoes cut in half
 16 very small potatoes (roasting potatoes)
 1 spring onion chopped
 1 artichoke cleaned and cubed
 Juice of 2 lemons
 1 tsp dill finely chopped
 Salt and pepper to taste

Place fish in a non-stick pan, diagonally serrate the sides of each sea bass fillet and pour ½ of the olive oil and wine all over
Bake in preheated oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes
Heat a few teaspoons of olive oil in a pan and add the vegetables.
Stir fry until all vegetables are soft and crispy
Combine the rest of the olive oil, lemon juice and dill, salt and pepper and once the fish is ready to be served pour this mixture over the fish
Accompany this dish with all the vegetable

Tip: Sea bass (Wellgoods) can be deboned and cut into fillets for other recipes.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1

Servings 0